Come December I spend a lot of my time helping out a Very Important Person. Some of that help is standing in for him in grottos where I make sure that good girls and boys are given a little gift to whet their appetite for Christmas Eve. They all get a very short story too, as a bonus.
I also tell stories from the North Pole. The stories feature: me (as Santa of course), Mrs Claus who fusses and worries about my weight, the naughty Polar Bear, Penguins (I know, I know there aren’t any in the Arctic you’ll have to listen to my
stories to find out how they fit in!), the Elves (not all of whom behave themselves and work hard), lots of snow and some pretty badly behaved Goblins. Of course we mustn’t forget the North Pole itself which, now the Polar Bear has learnt his lesson, stands proud at the top of the world.
If you would like to engage me in this seasonal capacity do get in touch here.
Shhhh …. don’t let on but the whispers on the street about Santa are:-
I'm not sure how I would get through the lead up to Christmas without the help of The Yarn Whisperer, his willingness to stand in at grottos and delight the children is invaluable. As a way of saying thank you we always invite him up on Christmas Day and he joins us for dinner. Afterwards he tells stories. It's the only time the Polar Bear sits still and even the Goblins are quiet and behave themselves. I would urge you to try him out.
Santa Claus The man himselfThe North Pole Website 26th October 2016
Charlie has a true talent for the weaving of magical tales that engage all ages. It was hard to believe that he was anyone other than the real Father Christmas. Children were enthralled by his “reminiscences” of happenings in the North Pole, and children and adults alike warmed to his relaxed storytelling style.
Thank you Charlie, we are really looking forward to your next visit in December.
Jane Bovenizer Families and Education OfficerCorinium Museum, Cirencester 31st October 2016
Charlie is the epitome of Father Christmas! He looks the perfect part and spends lots of time talking to each child about their hopes for Christmas. When my children were younger, they truly believed he was Father Christmas at Meysey Hampton school. I appreciate the time he has given to this school over many years.
Angie Wright Parent Gloucestershire 6th November 2016
Charlie IS Father Christmas. Everything about him, from his size to his beard to his lovely velvet suit is genuine and so is he. He has time for every child and they do believe they have met the real Santa. He is really quite magical.
Kate Carden HeadteacherMeysey Hampton Primary School Cheltenham 26th November 2016
It's that time of year again. Father Christmas came to our Christmas Fayre and inspired all the awe and wonder of Christmas in the little ones again. (The teachers were excited too!). They love the fact he looks just as they know he will, cheerful smile, twinkly eyes, white beard and has time to chat to them while making them laugh. Thank you Chalie for bringing him to us again looking forward to next Christmas already 🙂 Would recommend anyone looking for the real 'Father Christmas' to get in touch with you quickly as this is his busy time of year! Good luck.
Dawn Coombes TA at primary school Father Christmas 27th November 2016
The library was pretty full for a Saturday morning with expectant faces awaiting the arrival of a very special visitor. Santa did not disappoint. He arrived with sleigh bells ringing and delighted the children and adults alike with his remarkable tales of Santa and his Christmas tasks. It was delightful to see the engaged little faces mesmerised by this wonderful character. A lively little question time at the end ensured that the magic of Christmas was kept alive in the hearts of those who were there. Thank you Santa for bringing joy to so many!
Margaret Fox Librarian Stories from Santa 19th December 2016
I was very lucky to be able to take my 2 year old daughter to Tuffley library to hear the real Santa tell a story all about the North Pole. Santa was wonderful and my daughter enjoyed the story very much, especially the part about the funny polar bear!
We are looking forward to next year already!
Sam Brinkworth Parent 5th January 2017
Charlie joined the Cirencester Advent team this year as the most authentic Santa Claus we have ever seen! Charlie organised a number of Christmas storytelling sessions and also wandered around the town as Santa speaking to children and generally adding something very special to the day. Charlie was a pleasure to work with and we are looking forward to his return as Santa in 2018. A big thank you Charlie, from the Advent Festival Committee.
Suzie Lew Market & Events Officer Cirencester Advent Festival 7th December 2017
If you want to bring the magic of Christmas time to the children and share the tradition of Santa Claus, then you are looking in the right place. Charlie is a wonderful storyteller and engaging with children of all ages. He truly is the perfect Santa Claus bringing stories from the north pole as well as a perfect appearance. His presentation style is exceptional and, in his guise as Santa, children heard about events they can relate to - the writing of letters and how they are processed, comings and goings at the north pole, magical creatures and the eating of mince pies (but don't tell Mrs Claus!) This is the third year Charlie has been at the museum as Santa and we would welcome him back in a heartbeat. The family visitors love him too.
Thank you Charlie for your wonderful stories and performance!Emma Stuart Learning Development Officer Corinium Museum - Stories with Santa 20th December 2017

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